Adults & Parents

Early childhood issues, painful life transitions and emotional crises can ease with counselling as it helps you to feel, think and behave in healthier ways. Many of us feel isolated, despondent or agitated at times, but when it persists and starts to negatively impact on aspects of your life, it’s time to reach out. 
Those caring for a child or partner, also need support at times to develop the skills to help both themselves and those they support. 
A client centred approach in a safe and compassionate space can help you to:

  • Share, process and understand what you are experiencing
  • Develop the emotional and cognitive skills to manage yourself your challenges more effectively
  • Build a better relationship with yourself and with others
  • Link to the resources that may assist you further 

Together we develop a treatment plan that marries your needs with sound therapeutic skill and experience. The pace of therapy depends on how comfortable you feel and what you need to learn, express and achieve to be the person you envisage. 

For more information about specialties, approaches and making an appointment, please see my contact and profile pages. 
If you would like more information about counselling and finding out if it could assist you, please feel very welcome to call, text or email. You may also like to consult my videos and tip sheets for helpful strategies and to get to know me better

Helpful Tip sheets

My latest Video tips